We are the Medical Ethics Alliance
The Medical Ethics Alliance affirms the unique value of all human life, its inherent dignity and consequent right to protection in law.
We are a non-profit organisation and we are certain that all persons are of inestimable worth, irrespective of illness or disability. The pursuit and practice of medical excellence is dependant upon sound ethical principals.
News and Press Releases
- Press release from the Medical Ethics Alliance following Tuesday 14th September’s Annual Representative Meeting of the BMAAssisted Dying. Doctors cannot be “neutral”, about killing the sick. The majority was only 49 votes for, and 48 against. Hardly a convincing margin. The…
- Would you refuse a dying man water?Drs. Cole and Treloar have written about concerns with the Mental Capacity Act. First published in the Catholic Medical Quarterly. You can read the full article…
- Futile treatment- Futile lives?A joint meeting between the Medical Ethics Alliance and the Catholic Medical Association was held in Birmingham on 20th October 2018 at Newman House. It…
- The Supreme Court Ruling on Nutrition and Hydration: a nursing viewThis letter was published in the Daily Telegraph on 3rd August 2018. It was written by Theresa Lynch from Pro-life nurses Sir – The Supreme…
Medical Ethics Alliance Comments
- Assisted Dying Bill“I will use treatment to help the sick according to my ability and judgement, but never with a view to injure or wrongdoing. Neither will…
- Gender DysphoriaThe Cause of Gender Dysphoria is not fully understood. A recent report from Dr Hilary Cass, President of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child…
- Who decides on medical treatment, the Legal ViewQuestions and Answers between Dr Anthony Cole Chairman of the Medical Ethics Alliance and Dr John Duddington Questions put by Dr Anthony Cole J P …
- The Hippocratic Tradition and historic IslamIn 1999 the Medical Ethics Alliance was convened with Dr Jafar Qureshi of the Muslim Council of Britain. It therefore is a pleasure to link…