“I will use treatment to help the sick according to my ability and judgement, but never with a view to injure or wrongdoing. Neither will I administer a poison to…
Tag: Law
Questions and Answers between Dr Anthony Cole Chairman of the Medical Ethics Alliance and Dr John Duddington Questions put by Dr Anthony Cole J P F R C P E …
When “end of life care” goes wrong
The Lords and Commons Family and Child Protection Group have presented a document entitled When “end of life care” Goes Wrong to Parliament on the initiative of Carla Lockhart MP.…
Assisted suicide: The Meacher Bill is Not Assisted Dying but Euthanasia! Dr. Tony Cole and Dr. John Duddington Once again euthanasia is on the Parliamentary agenda with the introduction into…
Assisted Dying. Doctors cannot be “neutral”, about killing the sick. The majority was only 49 votes for, and 48 against. Hardly a convincing margin. The last time the policy was…
Challenging Medical Ethics 1 “No water – No Life, Hydration in the Dying” Challenging Medical Ethics 2 “Patients in Danger; the dark Side of Medical Ethics”ISBN-10; 09552840 07, ISBN-13; 978…
For an article settling out the challenges of recent high profile cases involving children, along with an analysis of what is wrong with the law, look here.
A joint meeting between the Medical Ethics Alliance and the Catholic Medical Association was held in Birmingham on 20th October 2018 at Newman House. It was well attended by members…
Dr J Qureshi (Psychiatrist) Pure science without faith will have pitfalls. Blending faith and science is required. This conference is to encourage clinicians, scientists and people of faith. Cloning is…
By Wesley J Smith attorney Report of -a meeting of the Medical Ethics Alliance held in the Woodbourne Priory Hospital Birmingham 26/11/01 Mr Wesley Smith attorney and author of “Culture…