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Human Cloning; Scientific Aspects and a World Faiths Perspective

MEDICAL ETHICS ALLIANCE CONFERENCE Human Cloning; Scientific Aspects and World Faiths Perspective 28th June, Wiseman Conference, London Introduction Dr J Qureshi Psychiatrist, Director, Woodbourne Priory Hospital, Birmingham Pure science without faith will have pitfalls. Blending faith and science is required. This conference is to encourage clinicians, scientists and people of faith. Cloning is an enormous…

Abortions on Mental Health Grounds “Probably Illegal”

Report of the Medical Ethics Alliance Meeting on Abortion and Maternal Mental Health in London, November 2013 The overwhelming majority of Britain’s abortions are “probably illegal”, a senior psychologist has said. Liverpool-based Dr Michael Scott said that the 99 per cent of abortions in Britain performed each year to protect the mental health of the…

Futile treatment- Futile lives?

Newman House

A joint meeting between the Medical Ethics Alliance and the Catholic Medical Association was held in Birmingham on 20th October 2018 at Newman House. It was well attended by members of both associations and other interested parties. Under the chairmanship of the M E A attendees contributed under Chatham House rules on the topic "Futile…