
Would you refuse a dying man water?

Drs. Cole and Treloar have written about concerns  with  the Mental  Capacity  Act.  First published in the Catholic Medical Quarterly. You  can read the full  article here on pages 13 to  17

Press Releases

Futile treatment- Futile lives?

A joint meeting between the Medical Ethics Alliance and the Catholic Medical Association was held in Birmingham on 20th October 2018 at Newman House. It was well attended by members…


The Supreme Court Ruling on Nutrition and Hydration: a nursing view

This letter was published in the Daily Telegraph on 3rd August  2018. It was written by  Theresa Lynch  from  Pro-life nurses Sir – The Supreme Court has ruled that, when…


Withdrawal of Food and Fluids- Supreme Court Judgement

Issued by  the Medical  Ethics Alliance on 30th  July 2018 In the light of today`s ruling by the Supreme Court that food and fluid , if delivered by tube, can…

Press Releases

Withdrawal of Food and Fluids- Supreme Court Judgement

Issued by  the Medical  Ethics Alliance on 30th  July 2018 In the light of today`s ruling by the Supreme Court that food and fluid , if delivered by tube, can…


An appeal to the British Medical Association: medical mediation in an attempt to resolve conflicts between parents and clinicians over the management of very sick or incurable children.

This appeal was made to the British Medical Association in June 2018 An urgent appeal is to be made to the British Medical Association Annual Representative Meeting to consider a motion…


Charter to protect the rights of terminally ill children

Bambino Gesu Hospital Charter to Protect the Rights of Terminally Ill Children The Medical  Ethics Alliance commends the Bambino  Gesu  Hospital  (the Vatican’s children’s hospital) for it’s  charter to protect the…

Press Releases

Alfie Evans RIP

From the Medical Ethics Alliance At the time of his death we offered our deepest condolences and assurance of our prayers to the parents of Alfie Evans who died early in the morning…

Press Releases

Alfie Evans press release 24th April 2018

This press release was made on the 24th  April  after Alfie had been removed from  the ventilator and before his final  appeal  to  be allowed to  travel  to  Rome was…


Declaration in suport of Conscientious Objection in Healthcare

Lord Alton has encouraged us to  sign up to Professor David Oderberg’s excellent declaration.  Prof Oderburg is from  Reading University. Declaration in Support of Conscientious Objection in Health Care The…